The Keadyn Philosophy

We believe that every initiative counts. That’s why we want to be the frontrunners of an investor movement that actively supports entrepreneurship. Keadyn is more than a seed angel fund. We believe angel investors should leave a bigger footprint than their money. That is why we do not only proactively support our ventures by contributing our own expertise but also have a network of experts we can always rely on.

The Keadyn Manifesto

1. We love Startups
2. We don’t blame, we take responsibility
3. We love fun and encourage positive team spirit
4. We communicate constructive, honest, open and direct
5. We treat our founders as heroes
6. We think and act lean
7. We encourage personal growth
8. We are in it together
9. We take care for our ecosystem
10. We share

Winning Teams

Number 1 reason for startup failure is team dynamics. The team is a crucial variable, while the business plan and the financials get all the emphasis at other angel investors
We select the best people and improve the teams in which we invest, because we believe that success depends on the performance of the entrepreneurs we invest in. That’s why we developed a predictive team scan that helps our decision process. Our method combines our experience on startups with cutting edge psychological science and top class sports performance. We mitigate risks like underperformance and conflicts. At the same time the analysis kickstarts our collaboration.

Invest & Add Value

Keadyn takes on a fresh and pro-active approach towards angel investing. Keadyn has a passionate entrepreneurial culture and is looking to invest and add value to pre-seed and seed-stage startups with great teams that act lean, think big and move fast. Our focus areas include disruptive and highly innovative SAAS, marketplaces and e-commerce startups. Driven by revolutionary ideas and technologies like AI. Keadyn works with a global talent pool of experts that add value to the startups we invest in.

In Whom Do We Invest?

We only invest if there’s a strong culture fit with our team, we understand the model and we can add value to the business and the founding team.

We focus exclusively on software technology. Moreover, we’re especially interested in startups that are active in ecommerce, marketplaces, fintech and realtech as well as startups that have strong network effects.

Building and Supporting the Startup Ecosystem

We are a great supporter of a strong startup ecosystem regardless of whether we invest in a specific idea. We are not only in it for the profit alone but we’re in it for the passion of entrepreneurship, people and because we think that valuable ideas are worth spreading. --- That is why we heavily invest our time and dedication through the years to setup events and ecosystem organisations like: Angel Island, Angel Academy, WeTechRotterdam, Up!Rotterdam, Upstream, Rotterdam Tech Social, Tech Advocates Netherlands, Superconnectors and we even build our own tech coworking hub: 42workspace. --- We love to make valuable new connection and build our network at leading international events like SXSW, Slush, TNW, Valancia Digital Summit and StartupExtreme. We also never forget about the importance of local and regional hubs such as Techleap, YES!Delft, CIC, Bluecity, Platform Zero, Titaan - Unknown campus, Tech Labs Rotterdam, Techgrounds, Eindhoven Startups Foundation, Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship - ECE, Ace Venture Lab, and Graduate Entrepreneurs.

Exponential Organizations

Now it is time to introduce the Exponential Organization leveraging openness, transparency and abundance in a new way. This is a new organizational model that is condusive to an exponential age. It closes the gap between the linear organization and its exponential environment. It is at least 10x more effective, efficient and/or faster relative to its linear peers in the same market.

Yuri van Geest's Exponential Organizations

Never Give Up

The old saying is wrong — winners do quit, and quitters do win. Every new project (or job, or hobby, or company) starts out exciting and fun. Then it gets harder and less fun, until you hit rock bottom — really hard, and its not much fun at all. And then you find yourself asking if the goal is even worth all the hassle. Maybe you’re in a Dip — a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. But maybe it’s really a Cul-de-Sac, which will never get better, no matter how hard you try.

Seth Godin's the Dip